Griffin Purnell LLC
In recent years, the public has become aware of the shocking mistreatment and violence that has occurred for decades behind the walls of teen treatment facilities, camps, and boarding schools. From corporal punishment to sexual assault, the stories of survivors have shaken faith in an industry entrusted with society’s most vulnerable youth. That’s where a firm like Griffin Purnell can play a key role. Griffin Purnell has attorneys experienced in cases involving physical, psychological, and sexual abuse, including child abuse cases. As a result of this experience, as well as the extensive trial experience of the attorneys at the firm, Griffin Purnell is well suited to assist in the investigation and pursuit of the bad actors in this industry. Sometimes, the only way to get their attention is by hitting their bottom line through meaningful and aggressive litigation. At Griffin Purnell, we have experience handling corporate abuse like that seen in the “Troubled Teen” industry, including representing plaintiffs in large Mass Torts involving multiple victims of the same bad actor. What Can We Do To Stop Institutional Abuse? Our legal team is prepared to assist survivors in: • Investigating reports of abuse through interviews, subpoenas, Freedom of Information Act requests, and other discovery tools • Identifying negligent or complicit parties within the program’s administration or ownership to name as defendants • Calculating damages such as medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and punitive damages • Filing lawsuits, negotiating settlements, or taking cases to trial • Connecting clients to counseling and support networks to aid the healing process • Requiring comprehensive vetting, training, and oversight of staff • Creating channels for students to securely report incidents without fear of retribution • Incentivizing the closure of sub-par programs While no amount of money can undo the trauma, holding abusers accountable can begin to restore power to survivors. We aim to shut down abusive programs still in operation and set legal precedents to fundamentally reform the troubled teen industry. To learn more about our services or schedule a consultation, contact us today. The time for justice is now.